At Eastside, our staff oversees specific areas of ministry while our elders are given the task of spiritual oversight, direction, and care for the church.
Peter is husband to Natalie and father to four great kids. He seeks to follow Christ and be led by the Spirit each day. Peter earned a Master’s of Divinity degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary and a degree in Elementary Education from Goshen College. He has been a teacher, youth pastor and soccer coach from Indiana to the Dominican Republic to here in Virginia. Peter loves being with his family, the beach, good food and seeing God actively working with and through his most prized creation, us!
Matt and his wife Mindy love calling Harrisonburg home. Together with their daughters, Katie Grace and Hattie, they enjoy the outdoors and being near water. Matt and Mindy both love the unified story of Scripture that points to Christ. While earning his B.S. in Athletic Training at Michigan State University, Matt felt a call to ministry. Coming to Harrisonburg, Va in 2002, he graduated from Eastern Mennonite Seminary with his Masters of Divinity in 2006.
Daniel joined Eastside in 2023 as a composer, singer, recording artist, and album producer with extensive experience in church music ministry. His educational background includes a Bachelor of Music in Choral Conducting and an MBA from a seminary in Biblical Stewardship and Christian Management. Daniel is married and has 3 adult children.

Welby Lehman
I'm married to Lisa and we have one son. We've been attending Eastside since 2010 and have been involved in the life of the church in various ways. My career is as an architect. I enjoy sports, camping, hiking, or just sitting around a fire with my family and friends. I appreciate how Eastsiders are encouraged to live as exiles in the world, in parallel with Jeremiah 29. I'm looking forward to seeing how the family of Eastside can be co-laborers with the Spirit in our community and world.

Sonja Lovell
Sonja is mom to two grown daughters and grandmother to six. After having spent most of her life between Alabama, Texas and Michigan, she made the move to Harrisonburg in 2002 and came to Eastside in 2016. Sonja recently retired after 18 years working at JMU, but still works part-time as needed. Her Eastside small group has been a true example of what loving others well looks like and the thing she appreciates most about Eastside is that seeking Christ is the highest priority.

Adam Showalter
Adam is married to Kim where they live in Bridgewater with children Kahlan and Dexter. He works as an engineer for a few companies in Charlottesville. Adam and Kim planted roots at Eastside in 2013. Since then, they've been involved with Sunday morning volunteering and small groups. He's continually challenged and encouraged through his experiences at Eastside and says God is clearly at work here and he feels fortunate to be a witness and participant.

Sarah Yoder
Sarah and her husband, Nevin, have 4 children who range from high school to elementary school. Sarah works for a family business during the day and spends the rest of her time taking care of the family, leading a small group and trying to stay in touch with friends. Sarah is excited to talk about how God has worked in her life through raising children, making a plan to adopt their youngest child and changing jobs to remain obedient to her calling from the Lord.

Lawrence Yoder
Lawrence and his wife Bonnie have two daughters, Janae and Jordyn. He owns Horizon Accountants, a tax and accounting firm in Broadway. Lawrence and Bonnie lead a small group, participate in the prayer ministry, and have attended Eastside since 2012. Lawrence loves to read the Bible and listen to Hillsong worship songs, and he encourages others to run their race and fulfill their purpose in Christ.
Olivia and her husband Steve, live in Broadway and have 2 kids. After graduating from Eastern Mennonite University in 2013 she taught middle school math for 6 years and currently is busy at home as mom. Olivia has served in many ways at Eastside throughout the years; as an Eastside Kids teacher, nursery/toddler helper, offering counter, youth leader, and currently leads a small group. She has learned so much and grown spiritually from joining in community with others, especially at Eastside.
Lisa has attended Eastside since it's beginning. Small groups have played an important part in her faith walk and relationship with other Eastside family. Lisa's work experience has included financial roles with affordable housing non-profits, marketing with a credit union, and national church event project management. Lisa enjoys time with her husband, son, and friends, traveling to see family and new places, playing games, basketball, and camping.
Andy, his wife Lauren, and their 3 children found Eastside in 2022 and quickly made it their church home. Eastside has brought much community and discipleship in Jesus to their whole family. Andy has a B.S. in Aeronautical Science and has worked at Dynamic Aviation since 2004. He enjoys growing microgreens and reading. Both he and Lauren love hosting friends for good food and fellowship. He is excited to get to use his gifts and his love of data to serve the body of Christ!