Small Groups

A great way to get plugged in at Eastside Church is through small groups. We offer a variety of small groups, including families, single gender, content specific, age specific and life-stage specific groups. In our Eastside family, we share our joys, griefs, successes, challenges, calm and crazy days. We know we are meant to live and do life together. It starts here!

Find Your Small Group

We have small groups happening at different times throughout the week. Find a small group that fits your schedule and use the link to email the leader(s) of that small group for more information.

  • Michael & Lindsay Horst

    Sundays at 12pm

    We are an intergenerational group that meets weekly after church on Sunday for lunch, fellowship, discussion, and prayer. Our children enjoy being part of our group, playing together throughout our meeting time. This academic year we will meet together as a big group some weeks, and separate men/women after lunch other weeks.

    Email for More Info

    Michael & Lindsay Horst
  • Lawrence & Bonnie Yoder

    Once a month on Sundays at 12:45pm

    We are an intergenerational group that meets once a month after the second service on Sunday for lunch, fellowship, discussion, and prayer. We take turns hosting in our homes and sometimes, meet at the church. When the weather is nice, we enjoy meeting outside. All are welcome!

    Email for More Info

    Lawrence & Bonnie Yoder
  • Lehman & Yoder

    1st Sunday of the month at 5:30pm (during Eastside Youth); 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm

    Welby & Lisa and Sherwin & Rachel co-lead an inter-generational group with empty-nesters and families with kids. For the summer months, we are having an outdoor social event once a month. More regular meetings and study will begin again in Sept.

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    Lehman & Yoder
  • Mitchell and Lauren Yoder

    1st & 3rd Mondays from 6-7:15pm

    We meet together after dinner and share a small snack together then have a short bible study together. Our group is open for anyone and includes families with children so we always try to have babysitters each week!

    Email for More Info

    Mitchell and Lauren Yoder
  • Nick and Erin Morgan

    2nd and 4th Mondays at 6pm

    Our group has singles, marrieds with young kids, married with older kids, and would love to welcome anyone who wants to deepen their relationship with God and other Eastsiders. We share dinner together, followed by sermon discussion and prayer.

    Email for More Info

    Nick and Erin Morgan
  • Rhodes & Weaver

    1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6pm

    We meet at a home on the west side of Harrisonburg. We have a potluck style meal and then discuss the sermon questions. On months with 5 weeks we will have a social gathering or do a service project together.

    Email for More Info

    Rhodes & Weaver
  • Nevin & Sarah Yoder

    Wednesdays at 6pm

    We live in Fort Defiance and host at our house, but meet at the church about once a month. Our time together includes dinner followed by a short study and prayer. Since we have both single and married folks, we separate into groups of men and women for our study and prayer time. Children range from newborns to age 16, and the older children help out with the younger ones. All are welcome, especially if you live in the Bridgewater, southern Harrisonburg or Augusta County areas.

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    Nevin & Sarah Yoder
  • Jason and Samantha Ritter

    Wednesdays at 6pm

    We are currently a group of families with young children but welcome all ages. We meet on Wednesdays at 6pm. Our time together includes dinner, fellowship, and prayer.

    Email for More Info

    Jason and Samantha Ritter
  • Steve & Olivia Burkholder

    2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month

    2nd Thursday at 5:30pm we meet for dinner and the 4th Thursday at 6:30 for dessert and discussion. We meet at someone's home and take turns hosting. We are open to anyone joining and currently are a group of couples with and without children.

    Email for More Info

    Steve & Olivia Burkholder
  • Matt & Debbie Swartley

    Twice a month on Thursdays at 6pm

    Our group is an intergenerational group that includes a variety of ages of kids! The kids play and watch out for each other! Our group will meet on the east side of Harrisonburg in a home. We will share a meal together, enjoy fellowship, prayer and do a Bible study. We meet bi-weekly.

    Email for More Info

    Matt & Debbie Swartley