What To Expect

Walking into our foyer, you’ll notice the dress is informal and the coffee is flowing! The time spent meeting new folks and catching up with others is wonderful for conversation before the service begins. If you have a question or aren't quite sure where to go, look for a friendly face wearing a bright colored Eastside t-shirt or lanyard.

Sunday Morning Services

Services start at 9am and 10:45am

While not every service is quite the same, below is a typical Sunday morning. If you ever need anything, our ushers are always glad to help. Similarly, all of our Eastside Kids teachers and volunteers will be wearing green Eastside Kids t-shirts.

Before Service Begins

  • Meet and Greet - Enjoy coffee and conversation.
  • Eastside Kids Registration - If you have children, this is a great time to get them checked in for Eastside Kids; nursery through 5th grade. You can also preregister for Eastside Kids.

Worship Service

  • Singing Together - We have a contemporary style of worship music that reflects the diversity within our community.
  • Eastside Kids - After some songs and announcements, the children are dismissed to activities and lessons specifically for them!
  • Sermon/Message - Pastors Peter and Matt share preaching responsibilities. Sermons look at God's Word, starting with scripture's original context and meaning in order to help Eastside Church apply the message in a practical and relevant way.


Look for our parking attendants to direct you to a parking spot when you enter our parking lot. Parking is designated with the light blue rectangles and the green arrowed line depicts the flow of traffic through our parking lot. Please make sure to follow the green arrow when leaving the parking lot to ensure a safe and timely exit.

Get Directions
Parking and traffic flow

Beyond Sunday Mornings

As much as we love gathering together on Sunday mornings for worship, we also love growing together in our Small Groups. We have a variety of small groups, including families, single gender, content specific, age specific, and life-stage specific groups.

On Sunday evenings, our youth group gathers for a variety of activities including Bible studies and fellowship, social and recreational events, worship nights, and service opportunities.

Throughout the week there are opportunities to serve our community together as well. If you would like to get invovled with one of the many ways we serve, head on over to our Get Involved section to see the various ways you can get involved.