Eastside Kids
We take the responsibility of caring for your children very seriously. Once inside Eastside Kids, your children will be in a safe, loving environment interacting with peers and well-qualified adults. We utilize interactive yet intentional lesson plans that teaches about God in ways children will remember. There is personal application in every lesson! The lessons teach the children to both learn and experience God with emphasis on the good news of Jesus Christ through creative activities and personal application. Our goal is to disciple our children. Disciples grow in their walk with Jesus, live out their faith and make other disciples.
After the service is over, parents come to the classroom to pick up their child(ren). We do not dismiss children without a parent present. Keeping your child(ren) safe is very important to us. We will provide you and your child(ren) with a name tag with a specific code that allows your child(ren) to only be picked up by the person with the sticker. Our teachers will make sure the code matches to ensure your child(ren) go home with the right person!
The children’s ministry team has a passion for discipling children on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. They are dedicated to providing an environment where children learn about God and experience a relationship with Him as well as equipping parents to take on the primary task of discipleship.
Classes Offered
Nursery is for children ages infant until age 2, and staffed 10 minutes prior to the beginning of and for the duration of each service.
Children in the Toddler Class, ages 2 and 3, will play and have a Bible story that is shared on their level.
Children play for the first portion of class and then gather to listen to a Bible story. After the story, we do activities that apply to the lesson. There is often a game that relates to the lesson/key point and the kids get to actively participate.
Kindergarten - 2nd, 3rd - 5th Grade
Children in these classes meet in a group for the Bible story and lesson. Children then participate in a game or activity that relates to the lesson or discussion.
Note: Nursery is available 10 minutes prior to each service. All other children begin their time in the worship service and are dismissed following a time of songs and announcements.
Eastside Kids Registration
If you're visiting for the first time or bringing guests, save some time by preregistering for Eastside Kids.